So.. I watch games on Twitch a decent amount. I have seen they have a Creative channel and with seeing how many questions people have in various techniques, would it make sense for a 1-2 hour stream with live questions and answers? I will first say, I am no where near an expert, but can explain various ways to illustrate shadowing techniques, layer management, and layer mask usage in GIMP.

If I were to get enough interest, I would consider hosting a Q & A session. Those who only wished to view, could do so anonymously, those who wish to participate with questions via chat would need to generate a twitch account. Additionally, questions could be asked ahead of time here, possibly including sample images for "how to with this image" and I would do what I could to what what I would try.

Note that if this happens, it would likely be around 8-10 Eastern time M-F night. With enough interest, I might consider a monthly or bi-weekly stream specific to mapping.
