Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
Excellent! I love it - and I loved watching you develop the separate parts of this map in the WIP. Every part of it is beautiful
Thank you Mouse. it was exciting to post those small updates and hear from you all.

Quote Originally Posted by ChickPea View Post
This is an absolute beauty! I love how the various different terrains are depicted. The colouring and shading is very well done. Also, I'm getting a huge kick out of those long mountain chains for some reason! They're very well drawn, obviously, but I just adore how they shape the landscape. It's just fantastic work all round, and one to be very proud of. Hope I can rep you!
Well the world idea is not mine. Those mountains where already there, i just needed to redraw them. I was thinking at the beginning of making more spread mountains, but after i did one long range i realized that it does not look bad at all and did that for rest mountains too

Quote Originally Posted by Abu Lafia View Post
Superbe work Voolf! I love the variety of vegetation and landscape you show us in this map. The little details like the Ullborg falls are wonderful to look at, and this compass is just brilliant! One can really see all the effort you put into this map and it came out fantastic.
I think i mentioned it already on your last Kaherm map wip and also somewhat echoing Max' comment above and your response to it, that i'm really looking forward to seeing a bit more of your own fingerprint on your future works like you showed for example in your awesome Kyushu map lately. Please don't get me wrong here, i just think that it's always wonderful to see the variety of map styles around growing and with your outstanding skills you have a lot to add to it!
Thanks Abu and yes i agree. It is hard though to come up with nice and original style. I still consider myself as a learner more then full-fledged creator. That beeing said, i don't understand completaly why some people keep placing me in torstan shadow. He must have made a great impact here on CG. True i learned from his tutorial a lot, but my mapmaking procces is different from his. I really love this style and probably intend to continue it.
There is a lot of people that draw in one particular style here, but noone put them into one bag and stick to only one person, so...

Quote Originally Posted by J.Edward View Post
Great job Voolf.
The compass came out nicely too.
Thank you J.Edward

Quote Originally Posted by thomrey View Post
That is a wonderful map Voolf ! I followed your work on it with amazement and a little fan attitude (I pieced together the different parts you showed us like a Frankenstein map and made a GIF to follow your process). And I'm really glad to see you tagged it 2017, it'll be easier to find for next years Atlas awards
Haha, glad my wip gave you a little puzzle game to play with I haven't tagged this thread with 2017.... Must be set automatically, or maybe i have to thank ChickPea for silent ninja edit ?

Quote Originally Posted by Ilanthar View Post
A fantastic map, Voolf ! I love the diversity of the lands and, well, quite everything. The compass is indeed looking great, not that I had a doubt about it .
Thank you Ilanthar. I am also waiting to see your last wip project complete. I bet it will be awesome.

Quote Originally Posted by LargusMeans View Post
Thank you so much Voolf for your hard work and dedication. It was more than we both thought it would be and I really appreciate your commitment to this project. To say that I'm overjoyed is an understatement, the finished product is absolutely staggering for me to see. Its never easy to convey your imagination of an imaginary world to somebody else and have them translate it on to paper, but you were masterful at doing this. I hope that you have incredible success at cartography and have many more commissions in the future. Your a very good man and were an absolute pleasure to work with.
Thank you Largus. It was a pleasure to work with you too and i am glad i could make a map that brings you so much joy

Quote Originally Posted by Wired
What a breathtaking world! Rich colors, a large number of different terrains, a wonderfully styled compass.
Thanks Wired.