Personally I'd like to see the inner parts mapped, at least everything within the wall. It wouldn't make sense for it not to be contiguous if there's a wall around it.

I've been thinking about the evolution of a city. It would be beneficial to have a tavern or something on the road into a city, a resting place for traveling traders. Far enough away to be of benefit of course - perhaps to catch those arriving around curfew time. On the way out it would be people selling goods and supplies for on the road, but it would be cheaper than in the city. It would have to be for the incentive to buy. The further out along the spokes the less costly the goods and services. Of course the less law and order so you takes your risks. Some areas along the road would 'balloon' faster than others and may expand enough to meet other expanding bits. I think a city, from the hub outwards, evolves not in a linear fashion from the centre but in a sort of concentric circle of sorts of different settlements that gradually merge into each other.