Sketchng a remote holdfast:

Current stage:

Steps animatic:

  • I started by creating quick 3D model with an online design tool called Tinkercad.
  • 3D model was made from simple cubes and wedges scaled and moved about. The minimal ground terrain was a bit trickier, made using a grayscale height-map. Didn't really need the terrain for the drawing, but wanted to see if I could work it into the 3D design.
  • Once I had buildings and ground how I liked them, I turned perspective off (switched to orthographic) and chose an angle that would show 3D height and still work well as as a 2D town map. Took a screen shot of that view and added that image as base layer in Photoshop.
  • From there on I have been adding new layers and drawing over the 3D background with simple pencil brush.

Thinking about color and shading once I get the linework finished.