As the world arbitrarily moved towards the end of 2016 and into 2017 the Lite Challenge was chosen: "Map a dangerous place". Unfortunately my pun glands were hyperactive and so I decided that what the challenge actually needed was a plaice. So I set about doing just that, just for giggles at first, but as it went on I became more determined to see this through. The challenges were actually quite taxing, especially as I started by using a mouse. I acquired myself a graphics tablet a week or so after I started and set about learning how to use it. I am still learning

The WIP thread can be found here. The original outline of the plaice was traced over a picture of a plaice I found online. I then did a fair bit of research on the insides of various types of fish and applied some 'artistic licence'. I eventually settled on a blueprint style. I cannot explain the choice of 'submarine' other than it was relatively easy to draw. It was done entirely in GIMP.

What started out as an excuse just to make a load of fish related puns ended up with this, my first finished map:
Dangerous Plaice-l.jpg

I believe participating in this challenge helped me upgrade my skills from 'none' to 'a little bit', gave my imagination a nice little workout and most importantly I had a lot of fun. OK drawing the scales individually was a lot of hard work but I was determined to see it through. I'd like to thank Bogie for the inspiration and to apologise for having to endure the puns throughout. I'd also like to thank everyone for encouraging me and helping me to actually finish something