Hello, I have known this wonderful place for a few years, but I now I decided to suscribe, and start maping and participating. All I see here are great artists and pc-talented people. I am not talented, and I am sure of not being an artis of any kind, but I will try to do what I can.

Anyway, I always have loved maps, mostly those of fantasy worlds, and I have a world for my own. I've maped it by hand, and in a really precarious way, but now I'll try to mape it with photoshop or Gimp (thanks for that too, I didn't know it) and see what comes up.

PD: I have a little question...what is WIP? By context I asume that is maps that are being made at the moment the thread is posted, but I can't figure what's the meaning of WIP, and I couldn't find it in the FAQs.

PD2: Sorry for the English, it is a bit rusty.