Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
I'm having a hiatus in the relief shading department.

The problem is, you see, I can't see a way of using either of the CC3 bevel effects to get the kind of relief shading I want, which is best described by this image, which I've already uploaded and credited in the Reference Images thread...


As you can see there is a world of difference between this and the way the map looks right now.

What I'm thinking of doing is creating the entire relief map in GIMP first like this...

shading test.JPG

Then importing it to CC3 to add all the roads, houses, trees, textures and so on - all the things that a normal CC3 map has. If I do this, however, I'm going to have to at least double the resolution on the GIMP file as you can see the pixilation in the image above, even though I've reduced the screen shot.

Can anyone tell me just how big a GIMP file can be before the whole thing starts to get really difficult to handle on a bog standard laptop? I mean how many thousands of pixels in height and width. The file this shot was taken from was 4005 x 3870. Can I multiply both dimensions by 2 and get away with it?

EDIT: Its ok. I've worked out what to do now
I've been working through the same thing trying to find a style for the limestone geography. I'm not good with line art though. I tried doing that perpendicular style but I couldn't make it look right for me yet. Yours a great start though.