I can't speak for the shadow thieves, but I feel a little robbed as I read through this page... I need to redo all my shadows!

I had taken the information from Mouse's pic on Index thread, with the sun settings for CC3 and taken the "Inclination: 40ş" as the agreed altitude of the Sun. With this recent discussion, I now see it was my mis-reading - and that I should have given attention to Straf's workings. As a science teacher I am used to address the position of the Sun in terms of angle from the horizon, not in terms of deviation from vertical. You see, 40ş from the horizon gives a shadow that is 1.2x the height, whereas at 69ş, it's only 0.38x.

My shadows are over 3 times longer than they should be, and the roofs will all pretty much be lighted with the sun at 69ş... Meaning a layer needs to be deleted and restarted. Me no happy now.