I guess it's only natural but my votes lean towards the style that I like to do myself...satellite-esque, so my votes stayed the same but I added Delgo 'cuz I loves me some old school ink.
Archean League --- Gamerprinter
Rush Job --- Jkaen
Artistically Challenged --- Valarian
Speed Challenge --- ravells
The Artic Circle --- Redstar
Skippers' Lament --- Torq
Trasgarian tears --- Morshwan
Rackham Gap --- Ascension
First Time --- bryguy
The Realms of Tlacopoxtla --- NeonKnight
Not the fastest one --- Sagenlicht
Khuutath --- Steel General
A'Jhön Empire --- delgondahntelius
Contour Crazy --- Redrobes
Staughton Coast, Thrimbal Channel --- MountZionRyan
The Saga of Oath-Bound Men --- Lord
Multitest --- waldronate
The Broken Coast --- jfrazierjr
The Weathered Coast --- gtrlarry
Rhawa --- Ghostman
in my style --- joão paulo
Tir na Mor Rioghna --- nemojbatkastle
Generic Fun --- dorpond
Brightshore Peninsula --- Patraikis
Newstyle hex --- RobA
Buncklebury --- jezelf
Nuke it from Orbit --- loydb
Planetary Survey --- mmmmmpig
an undersea map --- alucard339
Just in Time --- industrygothica
I guess it's only natural but my votes lean towards the style that I like to do myself...satellite-esque, so my votes stayed the same but I added Delgo 'cuz I loves me some old school ink.
If the radiance of a thousand suns was to burst at once into the sky, that would be like the splendor of the Mighty One...I am become Death, the Shatterer of worlds.
-J. Robert Oppenheimer (father of the atom bomb) alluding to The Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 11, Verse 32)
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