Well well well... It's been about two years since I last had the time and space in my head to make a map, and so it's also been two years since I was last here at the Cartographers' Guild. I hope you will forgive me.

The thing with this new project is basically that I cannot use my regular software anymore. I used to make my maps in Photoshop, but for several reasons that's no longer possible. So a while back I bought Affinity Designer and so far I really like the program. However, I've never made a map with it - mapping Pashaîla is my first try and mostly I want to see how well I can make it work. But hopefully getting a nice map of Pashaîla out of this is not just a side-effect, since I actually don't have a good one of this particular landmass.

Pashaîla is listed as a continent in the world of Lym, but it is really small. It is divided into 18 territories and mostly covered by lush forests and meadows, with beautiful blue rivers in between. It does have a desert though.

Anyway, here is what I started out with, and what I have so far. More to come.

Pashaila_Kartengrundlage.jpg Pashaila_Kartenversuchneu.jpg