Hello fellow cartographs,

I tried searching the tutorial-topic already but I couldn't find any advice on what I'm trying to do. Maybe I've overlooked it, since there are so many threads there. Sorry if that is the case.
But for the time being I'll just ask here:

Do you have any advice on how to map a cave-system?

The basic idea for the fantasy-world this cave, that I want to map, is in, is that there is one kingdom of a "demonic" (not really demons, but since I lack a fitting term I'll stick with it for now) race etc.
They settled their kingdom in a very huge multi-layered cavesystem and widened it. Much like ants build their colony-homes.
I tried to sketch it out before ( here ) but I didn't like the outcome and with all those different heights for each room the classic top-down view doesn't seem to work very well. I don't really want to make several maps for one cave.

Any advice or tutorials on that matter in general?