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Thread: Errispa

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    Default Errispa

    This is a world map I've been putting off mapping for some considerable time now, but I need to get it sorted out.

    Some may remember the first map I ever uploaded here at the Guild last summer, called Ethran, which showed the shadow of a twin world I called Errispa, but nothing of Errispa itself.

    Well, after a lot of false starts, this is the world I've chosen as Errispa:


    And this is the Equirectangular projection I exported from Fractal Terrains 3:

    Errispa V1 base.jpg

    There are as yet no added details, but that is because I need to make an important decision about the projection for the world map. A bit of story is probably appropriate here...

    Domar is an astronomer, in fact he's the only one on Ethran (where all the people are). He has worked out for himself that the twinning of the worlds is unstable, and that there will be either a catastrophic collision, or an equally catastrophic departure. He doesn't understand the forces holding the two worlds together, and in fact they defy the laws of physics because they have a lot more to do with 'magic' and 'demi-gods' than physics. He has, however, reasoned that Ethran is dying, and that the only hope his grandson has of living to adulthood is to somehow cross the void to Errispa, even though their culture is late middle-ages, and they have no means to do it the conventional way. That aside, however, he has also reasoned that if anyone does get to Errispa what they will need is a map - an atlas. So he's spent the last 20 years of his life patiently observing the sister world and drawing it a little piece at a time in a huge (and now very precious) book...

    I'm not going to go any further than a few key regional maps with Errispa, but I do need to produce a decorative world map, and also a practical version on which to show certain features that are referred to in the story.

    The sensible map projection I've chosen is the Compact Miller

    Compact Miller.jpg

    The possible projections I have selected for the decorative map are these two:

    A Mollweide...


    Or a Nicolosi Globular (Two-Hemisphere)

    Nicolosi Globular (Two-Hemisphere).jpg

    The problem is I can't decide which! LOL!

    All comments and advice welcome
    Last edited by Mouse; 02-23-2017 at 11:57 PM.

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