Hi all! I'm a Creative Writing student in my last semester of my degree right now, with a lot of interest in eventually writing some fantasy work of my own. Also, it feels relevant to mention that I've been role-playing, playing table tops, and playing RPGs for going on 8 years now. That's probably where my interest started.

I've admittedly been using references here on the Cartographer's Guild for a couple of years now (all of which have been so incredibly useful), but I only just now got the courage to join in and see what I can learn. Most of the maps I've drawn were for my own purposes- groups on deviantArt and personal endeavors- but I'm still winging it at this point. I thought it was time I take a step back and learn from some people who know what they're doing a little better than I do. I have a fondness for drawings the maps from scratch myself or working in Clip Studio Paint (I'm also an acting artist online, so CSP is my all-purpose program at the moment. Until I can afford Photoshop.)

I'm excited to poke around and find some new methods in the next couple months, before I can start working on any new maps.
