So, two to three times a week my partner and I take the kids to Capoeira and then we get a date for an hour! So exciting. We usually go have coffee and bring reading or sketchbooks. Last week I was sitting there looking out at the street and imagining how I'd try to represent it artistically (I've been doing this a lot lately, I'm hoping it translates into the guts to do more pictures!), and I realized that I have chosen a pretty strange way to artistically represent the world. What kind of odd brain does it take to look at or imagine a space and then say, "I'm going to draw that from the top down!"? So then, like I see real artists do sometimes, I got out my sketchbook and sketched the space I was in.

This is dedicated to all the cartographers here who use their amazing minds to envision and create worlds from an unusual perspective. You are a source of inspiration!

