Hello world !

I'm a 22 years old french guy - so sorry for my frog speaking - who likes many stuffs as ; reading, writing, roleplaying (especially in fantasy), listen musics, watching movies, series and animes, etc ... (also drinking, but i'm not sure it's something to be proud of x)

I have a terrible accent and - unfortunately - i write (my stories) only in french (for now) but i can manage to read and communicate in english, even if i don't have a Shakespearian vocabulary ^^

I'm here because i build a world for my originals RPG / stories since a few years (background, magic system, races, mythology, etc), but i'm not very skilled in drawing and i want to create a 'coherent' map (i think fantasy is not meant to be strictly realistic but at least credible, you see ?).

Sooo... i hope my short presentation is enough and i'll learn from this amazing community =)