Okay, I've made myself rare in the WIP section lately, so here's my return to the old hunting grounds.

I've been commissioned by a private client to do a color map of a part of the USA (Midwest & East Coast) around 1.000 years after the return of magic led to the collapse of industrial society. So we're talking about a massive drop in population numbers, a return of the wilderness, and a cooler climate as a baseline.

Jeffery Ross Commission (NA) Preview2.jpg

The rivers are the most recent step and are just preliminary at this point. The final ones will most likely meander a good deal more in many places, and there'll be a lot more swampy regions than today (broken dams, silted up canals, etc.). Since it's cooler, we have lower sea levels (though not by too much), and the already occuring natural erosion has lead to the Mississippi delta moving ever further outward.

Not sure at this moment how my client wants the show whats left of civilzation, though.