I can't say I'm a map guy or an artist even. But I've been playing around with Paint.Net and am always looking for challenges so I can improve my meager skills. I pick many of my challenges by finding inspiration from people I follow on Twitter. This is one such "challenge" and people seem to like the idea, so when I happened to notice an unrelated tweet from @CartoGuild today, I thought maybe this idea is worth sharing here.

The idea is from the Twitter personality: The October Geek, @mjsoctober.

land mass.jpg

land mass.png

If you'd like to see the side-by-side tweet, it's here: https://twitter.com/kvdrpg/status/844059080503128064

The original tweet from @mjsoctober is here:

So for those who still have patches of snow on the ground right now, don't lose your chance to make a really "organic" map.