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Thread: October Entry: Ground Zero

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  1. #1

    Wip nolonger an entry

    No WIP yet, just spouting off ideas.

    Since modern or Sci-Fi future is the general consensus looking at the outline view, though the not the only way, look at Sigurd's WIP...

    Rather than struggling to create unique identity from other similar futuristic megapolis maps - I wanted to try something waaaaay out there. So here goes...

    The date is September 11, 2201 in the city of New Manhatten, on Triam IV, the financial capital of the Terran Federation. Although the federation is generally a democratic and a rule of law nation, its gun-boat diplomacy has ostracized various alien, and early human colonial worlds giving rise to various vengeance seeking, subversive groups, called terrorists by the Federation Council.

    On this day, a micro-singularity bomb was released over Freedom Park during the commemoration ceremony of a 90 foot bronze statue of former President Addan Conders whose economic policies brought wealth to the Federation Core at the expense of the Rimworld Colonies. A micro-singularity immediately formed then collapsed on itself as a perfect sphere centered just shy of 1000 feet off the ground with the entire statue and base on its outermost edge, on the ground directly below it.

    However the surrounding skyscrapers of varying height also are affected by the micro-singularity's area of effect. With vast sections of those structures within the area of effect are gone, disintegrated away. The grounds surrounding these structures will have some debris, as failed structural integrity has allowed some collapse - though it's not the pile of debris from the original 911 event.

    I'll need to show floor-by-floor damage following the contours of the spheroid damage area.

    I didn't want to make the typical future urbanscape. I'm still developing ideas, but this is the direction I intend to go! Something completely different. It will probably be a combination Xara and 3D map.


    PS: give me a couple days and I'll post an early WIP
    Last edited by Gamerprinter; 10-25-2008 at 07:17 PM.
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