Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
Aw Voolf

I wish I could draw buildings and trees like your Heian Shrine map.... [Mouse gazes dreamily into the distance and sighs softly]
Some of your drawings with Gimp proof that you already know the shading theory pretty well. If not, you are very good at copying what you see. Even if it is the latter it is good. I would say that drawing is 5% theory and 95% practice. The sooner you start to draw more with Gimp, the faster you will learn more.

I am far from beeing a teacher in this matter, but i learned partially from tutorials (which mostly allowed me to understand tools and what kinds of effects i can do with them) and big time from just copying someone esles drawings. Zoom them to 1000%, study pixels and then replicate same thing.

I would say that you learn with every single drawing. The thing is, this process could be slow and progress unnoticeable sometimes. That is why for me even before practice comes motivations. Without it, you dont even want to practice. I found loads of motivations here in CG, who knows i could even stop drawing if i would not join CG and start with my first (and only for now) Lite challange .