Quote Originally Posted by GLS View Post
Gorgeous work John. I love the lighting and the colouring, but as always it's your fantastic linework that really stands out!

I would rep you, but unfortunately the stunning collection of Lite Challenge entries have bled me dry for now.

Inspires me to try my hand again at some hand-drawn dungeon pieces!
Thanks GLS
The line woork can be tricky sometimes with a darker piece like this one.
I played with some different line colors.
I actually have more than one.
Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
Oh I'm very much a dunce at anything dungeony. My teenage introduction was heavily biased towards more mainstream traditional sci-fi, mainly through HG Wells, Ray Bradbury, Frank Herbert, and Isaac Asimov. Most of what I read nowadays (and most of what I write as well) is what most people would unofficially call 'pulp fantasy' I suppose, but it takes my mind off the horrors of reality instead of filling it with more. LOL!
I love pulp fantasy [a la Robert E. Howard and others] and sci-fi of all sorts.
Which is sort of surprising that I have no sci-fi maps.
I have started a few, here and there, but never completed them.

What sort of pulp fantasy do you read now? any authors you'd like to share?
Chashio just recently got me to read Hyperion [which is awesome]. I can be really behind on reading some things.
Quote Originally Posted by - JO - View Post
Beautiful ! A special mention for the effects of light in the underground ... and especially, especially, for letters engraved in stone! The effect on all the illustration is incredible
Thanks JO
I had a good time doing the lighting, though it was the most time consuming part.
Quote Originally Posted by ChickPea View Post
Jo has pretty much taken the words right out of my mouth in his comment above. I love that 'chiselled in stone' look you've achieved with the gold lettering. The lighting is very well done too, and the whole thing is just super creepy. But.... you know... in a good way!
Hehe, thanks CP
I know most of my maps are pretty bright and happy-ish, so dark and dire is not necessarily my style.
Good to know I can get a different mood goin and carry it through.
Quote Originally Posted by Derek Von Zarovich View Post
Can't rep you again But I really loved this map. You really nailed the occult horror theme.
Thanks so much Derek