Hey, you can call me anything you'd like, Bell being the most obvious with the username! Longtime cartography appreciator, very new to doing it myself, but I've been keeping my eyes open and I'm ready to learn! I'm a 19 year old writer & nerd from Denver, Colorado. (But I've lived in most of the lower 48.)

Maps and worldbuilding for fantasy worlds have been a big interest of mine since... well, since I can remember. I started playing D&D at around 9-my dad is a bigger cartography nerd than I am and it's probably him that I get the interest for it from, he's been DMing since before I was born. This got me really into the practical application of fantasy maps and I fell in love. I'm sure others here can relate!

Now, three years into DMing myself I'm only now dipping into maps that are more illustrative than crude border delineations, and I'm having a lot of fun, but I'd absolutely love to make some friends and learn more within this interest! I've attached the two maps I've tried to tackle so far, feel free to tell me what you think (just be gentle! I'm new to this!)
