The idea behind this map is: what if Rome never rose to power? The first thought that came to me was that Carthage would become the dominating ruler of the Mediterranean Sea. That is when I began to wonder what would happen elsewhere. Rome had an enormous impact on western culture, and this influence continues today from government buildings to even the American constitution.

Carthage was nothing like Rome, eventually rebellions took place, stripping Carthage of her hold on Greece and Israel. Rome had trouble with Greece, and as said before: Carthage was not like Rome, so Greece had a successful rebellion. Just as the Jews had rebelled against the Greeks and the Romans, the Jews also rebelled against Carthage. It is not that the Jews are any more rebellious than the Gentiles, it is just the clash of drastically different cultures, and cruelties of man's unaccepting ways, which caused it. The Carthaginian Empire being severed by these two rebellions, left Anatolia to form in the gap that was left.

Now in the north the "barbarians" are undisturbed. Carthage was more centered on trade, and wasn't as militaristic as the Romans, therefore Carthage expansion only reached around the coasts if the Mediterranean. In the north there rose Celtica, Germanica, Scandinavia, and three British kingdoms.

This is what led to the map that you see now. Hope you like it! If you're interested, see the full story on my blog HERE.