I haven't posted in awhile. I've been too busy working on a large project with a partner of mine.
But I've managed to work on this in my free time over the past month or so.
It's my first attempt at drawing a regional map, so forgive me if something is obviously flawed.
I'm trying a style i've never done before with this map, so I hope you like it.
As always, if you have any suggestions or pointers you want to give feel free to send them my way.

To Do:
Finalize Forest lines
Remap rivers
Redetail lakes and shorelines
Add detail to bodies of water
Add detail to grasslands
Add landmarks, cities, towns, and roads
Highlights and Shadows

As you can see, I have a long way to go before I'll be happy with this. Hopefully I'm not missing anything. (I know it's very grey I'm sorry )

Central Dominion Region.jpg