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Thread: Planetary Survey... WiP

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  1. #1
    Professional Artist mmmmmpig's Avatar
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    Dec 2007
    Columbus, Ohio

    Wip Planetary Survey... WiP

    Okay, here is the dealio...

    I was really happy with how this turned out for the September Mapping Challenge and I was really happy with how many votes I got. All in all I think this is a good start for a mapping project, but I think that I need to "finish" it.

    Here are some edits that I need to do just because they need done...

    Push the phosphorescence of the blue.
    Come up with better labels than "city" and "settlement."

    Here are some of the questions I need to answer...

    Should the measurements be in Imperial units, metric, or "other?"
    Should the language and character system be recognizeable at all?
    Would it be better to show the edge of the screen/instrument being used to look at this map (for example, frame the map with a console of some kind)?
    Would it be worth adding another phosphor color to the screen?

    I welcome any and all input that anyone here might have.

    Hopefully you can watch the progress here...

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    Something witty and pithy

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