Hello All,

I imagine I'm somewhere in the region of the million and fiftieth user to post one of these threads but here goes:

I've been world building since before I had the words to describe it- fortunately my facility with lanaguage has been able to keep up with my imagination over the years. I've built these worlds for fun, for use in role playing games, for writing shrt stories and attempted longer formats. Most my worlds building has been limited to only the written word due to my continual ineptitude with other creative formats.

As such despite careful attention to detail and all the good will in the world my maps have at best been limited to pencil on paper- usually hastily drawn on serviettes or other scraps.

With a new project on the horizon I've decided to improve my technique and take advantage of this wonderful community to that effect. I'm keen to learn about the software I can utilise to make up for my own shortcomings in map making as well as fill in the gaps of my knowldge when it comes to meteorlogical patterns and ecoystsems.

This is all in addition to being able to get a better glimpse at the wonderful work that that I have seen spill out of this community over the years. I look forward to it all.