Quote Originally Posted by ThomasR View Post
I have not commented on the WIP but I followed every step and it is amazing how your style equals J Edwards in quality and clarity. I'd make one suggestion if you allow me. I would have loved to see less clean lines for the buildings. They look a wee bit too straight for my taste. More "hand drawn-y" lines would have given a more lively feel I guess. Do not take this as critic as I am in admiration looking at your map, that's just a tiny nitpick.
I understand you Thomas. I would like to make hand drawn lines, but its impossible with a simple tablet, because my lines are two curvy. I cannot follow the same angle drawing on tablet and watching screen. Buildings are skewed and looks very bad. I would have to draw by hand on paper then scan in. I hope to buy a Diplay pen in futue. Thi will help me do draw the usuall way making no straight lines but still follow same angle.