So, I'm in the beginning stages of writing a book. I'm setting background, discovering history, extrapolating on culture, that sort of thing. Including making a map. ....Actually, I was working on the map for something else entirely but abandoned that and decided that I could use it for this instead. So I have an outline of a map and a general idea of where things go, geography-wise, but ... I suck at art. The map I do have is rather crude compared to refined images I find posted ... pretty much everywhere. So what I'm looking for is either a free mapping tool that can take an existing image and build off of it so I can do the work myself, or someone who would do the work for me. TBH, I would rather do the work myself, but the one link I can find where I can upload my own image to improve upon comes back as "Server Unavailable". So if anyone has any suggestions, that would be great.