Hey XCali

I see you've been busy again!

I had to get both this version and the last one up to see what you meant by hidden changes, and I note that you have added some shading at the base of the cliff on the sand. I'm not entirely sure I understand the reasoning behind that move, since in most cases there isn't really much of a line as such at the bottom of a cliff. If the face is lit then the ground at the base is usually also lit - sometimes brighter than the cliff depending on where the sun is in relation to the face. If the face is in shadow, then the chances are the land at the base is also in shadow to the same extent and for some way out until the entire shadow of the cliff is revealed. Your cliffs being as tall as they are, that shadow would likely cover the entire bottom of the map, which I'm sure you wouldn't want to show - the area beneath the cliff being the key point of interest I think, and not something you would want to shade too much.

Cliff shading and shadows aside, The jury is out on the font. I'm not really all that keen on any of them, though I will say that the top one of the lot is oddly enough the clearest one when viewing the map at the smaller size before enlarging it to inspect the detail.