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Thread: WIP Sokosa Continent Map

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    Wip WIP Sokosa Continent Map


    I've been working on this for an RPG, set a few hundred years in the future on a partially terraformed planet. There's still a lot of work to be done, but stylistically it's getting close to what I want now.

    Next steps:
    -Rework the land outlines a bit. I want to keep most of the same except adding a bit more detail on coastlines, but I made the mistake of not distinguishing between land and polar ice when I was drawing landmasses and so I need to separate them into different layers and figure out the land under the ice.
    -Make a better heightmap. Not too hard once I have the final land outlines, but each attempt takes about an hour of rendering in wilbur so it's a bit time consuming. The current background is just just a heightmap put through PS lighting effects and then with some filters on it to try to hide the issues with the current heightmap.
    -More detailed placement of settlements and infrastructure, but this needs final heightmap.
    -A few other versions of it, such as one with more detailed political and administrative zones, a climate/vegetation map, and light versions if printing is needed.
    Last edited by esnvl; 06-04-2017 at 09:06 PM.

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