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Thread: (WIP) Arch City of Nessa'Mor

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  1. #11


    Granted that things happen differently in a fantasy setting, but don't underestimate a reader's ability to fill in the unexplained bits with explanations of their own. For example my imagination automatically provided me with a personal view on what might be happening to that water by instantly suggesting that the planet is hollow and contains a smaller, inner planet with an ocean of its own. Also that if the water is going down to that level there has to be some natural mechanism by which it returns to the surface, or after a couple of thousand years there wouldn't be any water left on the surface at all. So my mind then suggested to me that this could somehow be through some sort of geyser-like eruptions happening elsewhere on the outer surface of your world, and probably powered by volcanic heat like the real world equivalent.

    Don't worry about it too much. If all else fails - its something to do with magic
    Last edited by Mouse; 06-12-2017 at 11:45 AM.

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