Thanks to the suggestions, here's the current version:
- Rivers outlined, desaturated, and blurred slightly.
- Lake outline partially erased and blurred, lake colors desaturated and made slightly more transparent.
- Desert coloring made less transparent.
- Continent outline changed to a dark brown.
- Size of town markers reduced to be closer to village/site markers.
- Removed the different label colors; everything uses the same glow now (except for the rivers).
- Svesssiir moved slightly NE.
- The Smoking Peak now has a reason to smoke.
- Shading added to the inner rim of the crater.
Things to do:
- Fixes
- Remove the lake borders where the rivers enter and leave.
- Fix the easternmost peak of the Viridian Mountains where it looks like the continent border is showing through the mountain itself.
- Come up with a noun I like for the "sites" and add their symbol to the legend.
- Make the distance scale slightly more transparent so that it blends better with the other legend text.
- Make the southwestern border of the Pag Mell swamp share the same border as the Pag Ora river.
- After making the desert coloring less transparent, I'm not happy with how the "dune lines" look.
- Dalmere forest should have a part in the trees where the Moritu river exits it, instead of having a tree growing out of the water.
- Maybe redo the mountains. I've seen several examples of truly excellent mountains, and Elderbean's mountain redo has inspired me.
- Additions
- The area between Dalmere forest and the Dunefields, west of the Ironpith, is dotted with large, sakura-like trees -- roughly one tree per square mile. I'm not sure how to show this and still have it look nice; my previous attempts have been unsatisfactory.
- A bamboo-like plant grows all over the place in Pag Mell, but I've run into the same problem as above -- I'm not sure how to make stands of bamboo look nice on the map.
- A few more coastal labels need to be added.