Hello !

Here is a map of a part of the world of Nossym ... A sensitive region, at the crossroads of several important trade routes ... and thus a region disputed between different kingdoms, which, weakened, finally gave way to the pirates . Here is a (bad) translation of the explanation on the map:

From as far as we can remember, Maredale and Cluses have always been at war. The war for control of trade between the North and South of the continent, between Alycrau and Aylesdeen, the fabulous capitals of the Empire.
The Merchant Pass assures the controlling party a comfortable income in the form of taxes and rights of way.

Not content with controlling trade between East and West, the city of Cluses quickly wanted to get rich by taking possession of the islands of the Passe Marchande.

Maredale never allowed this and the war raged on both sea and land for over 100 years. A century later, no one won. The islands of the merchant pass were ravaged by the conflict, the towns and villages destroyed, leaving only a field of ruins in front of two armies each too weakened to gain the upper hand over his opponent.

That's when the pirates arrived ...

Deserters, brigands, former fishermen and artisans of the islands of the Passe, without jobs and impoverished by the war. All of them eventually came together under the command of fallen captains. Groups formed and clashed, eventually forming only four clans.
Hidden in forests, creeks, rivers and defiles, they escaped the weakened armies of Maredale and Cluses, and eventually took control of the Pass.

For merchants, the only solution now is to stop at Maredale and to transfer the goods to the twin city, built in haste to protect the port of the north. Alternatively, go through Cluses and try the long and dangerous bypass of the continent through the north and south passages to Aylesdeen or Alycrau.

La baie des Voiles Noires 15.jpg

Thank you to all those who helped me to realize this map with very good advice ... You can follow the thread here

And now... to the next map...