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Thread: Esfera - Plate Techtonics

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  1. #21


    I'm still here, but I ended up not happy with my climates (very small or missing tons of interesting ones!) so I've decided to dive into tectonics again using Gplates. The learning curve is a bit intense, but the ability to draw directly on a globe and set up my plates etc... is amazing! I'm getting a much better sense of how things could be moving and should be moving, and the dragging edges of things as they move.

    I've also upped my number of plates significantly and for now am leaving the island chains out until I have a sense of how the plates are moving against each other. I haven't figured out how to export what I'm making into something equirectangular yet, but I'm sure it's coming! Just isolating the plates is taking a long time, and then I have to start playing with trying to reconstruct a pangaea or a couple of continents in the past before dragging the whole mess forward again! Once I can make pictures, I'll share.
    Last edited by Deoridhe; 07-17-2017 at 09:33 PM.

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