I am looking for a map to go in the front of a fantasy novel my company is publishing. Every good fantasy novel needs a map in the front. You know the type.
This would be a map of the valley where the story is set (more details below). It should be black & white / greyscale. Size when printed should be either A5, turned sideways, or A4 stretching over two facing pages. 300dpi for printing.
I would hope to have this in first half of September, if possible.
Artist will retain copyright, I have rights to reproduce in the book (print and ebook), and in promotional materials (like ads and such, not reproduced for sale - although that could be discussed separately).
Price to be negotiated, although expected budget is in the low 100s.
Style can be discussed. I like this example by Max as a start: https://www.cartographersguild.com/a...chmentid=74816
but should not be taken as a given template.
The culture in the story has an India feel, so that could be a source of style elements.
Below are a couple of sketches made by the author. There are details which will have to be coordinated with the author. For example, I know (from reading the book) that there is woods between the City of Silk and the River, which are not shown on his sketch. There are Mines in the mountains, other woods, farms, etc. in the valley. Author will be able to describe such things (I'll make sure of it...)
The author has given me a sketch map of the main city as well, and while I mainly want the regional map, the city might be included as an insert or something (although I would not want to hike up the price too much and I know city maps a effort intensive, so maybe not.)
Contact me by email: info -at- guardbridgebooks -dot- co -dot- uk
I will also keep an eye on this thread here.
Romnai city map -reduced.png