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Thread: The Trail endpapers [for Scholastic]

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    Map The Trail endpapers [for Scholastic]

    Back in the summer of 2016 I was contacted by Scholastic to work with them on the endpapers for a book they were publishing called The Trail by Meika Hashimoto.
    The story follows Toby as he hikes a portion of the Appalachian Trail through the White Mountains in New Hampshire into Maine toward Katahdin.
    I had the pleasure of reading the manuscript before working on them, which I often find helpful to get the feel and flavor of the work.
    It's target audience is young adult but it was still a pleasant read. I believe the paperback will still feature the maps in some fashion.

    The project had some decent challenges and a fair amount of research involved and was one of the most interesting map projects I had worked on to that point.
    It was completed in February of this year [2017] and the book was published on July 25th and is out in hardback. The front and back endpapers were different, which is not the common practice but the section of the Appalachian Trail was long and this allowed for more illustration variety and a more in depth look at the trail.

    It was to be done in one color so I had to expand my usage of halftone to get the full spectrum look I wanted, but it was still a challenge.
    These were two of my favorite maps and thought the blue on cream really looked nice. Enough rambling. Here's the maps. Also have two photos of them in book.

    The Trail Endpages [front] for Scholastic by sirinkman.jpg>----------->The Trail Endpages [rear] for Scholastic by sirinkman.jpg
    ------------Front papers >-----------------------------------> Back papers

    In book pics
    Front papers in book.jpg

    Rear papers in book.jpg
    Last edited by J.Edward; 07-31-2017 at 10:43 PM.

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