Thankyou ... my idea was to go into regional mapping after , I nderstand that there is way more detail in the western world part than the eastern , but to addd lot of detail to east, south and west would require too much time now .

for the mediterranean type of sea I was thinking of the following modifications :


Changes :

1 the british style island changed and converted in a more broken area that follows perhaps better the geology of the region?
2 the southern west ocean opening has a secondary entrance channel added eventually for a different choke point?
3 the shape of the Mesia western region the small pelasgian isles the sort of east side of the inner sea is changed into perhaps a ore interesting area?
4 the upper northern sea is enlarged and so creates more choke point areas and eventually larger distance between shores ?

what you think of those changes?
I added more for strategical and aestethic reasons , but aestethics should win over the second in case.