Hello! I need to find a word for someone that reads about and is a fan of a thing, but doesn't have experience or skills doing that thing. For me, that's maps. My interest started as RPG maps but these days I'm focused on fictional star and star/solar system maps. I'm part of an international live action roleplaying group that is in the process of launching a sci-fi game set five thousand years in the future, and in another galaxy. My aim here is to ogle beautiful maps, and create 2D/3D star maps for the larp group.

I have a little more than zero skill, but I'm passingly familiar with vector software (paths, layers, etc). I can follow tutorials and tweak them to do what I need done. Recently I've purchased CC3, Cosmographer, and Astrosynthesis. Not sure how far I'll get with them, but I figure it's a good starting point.