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Thread: August/September 2017 Challenge: Revealing Dido

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    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Default August/September 2017 Challenge: Revealing Dido

    Andreas stood on the cliff top and gazed out over the Mediterrainian Sea late one afternoon. His classes had finished a little early and he still had some time to get down to the cove and see what the sea had washed up.

    The cove was never visited as it had steep sides and no easy path down but he knew the route and each and every hand hold. The tide was out and there had been a bit of a storm the night before so it was with some anticipation that there might be something special today.

    A thin stretch of sand lay between the giant bastions of the cliff face. Near the shore many rock pools formed from all of the rock that had fallen off of the cliff. Hardly a place that you might sunbathe but it was great for catching jetsam in the boulder crevises.

    Some seaweed, a few more rotten ship beams and some indistinguishable rusty iron metal was all that he noticed. Then a large crab went into a rock pool and his eye caught the glint of something at the bottom of the pool.

    Its gold - a coin. Reaching in he took it out. It was unlike any coin he had seen before. For a good ten minutes he studied the coin then his intrigue got the better of him and he started scouring the other pools. Sure enough, another coin showed up.

    After more searching he had to be content with his two gold coins. Returning home he showed his father who thought they were very unusual. As it happened, his father knew of a friend who was a scuba diver with an interest in archaeology and took one of the coins over to him the next day.

    It was only two more days before the archaeologist got a boat out to the cove and anchored it offshore. With his scuba gear he made a dive down to the bed and discovered that there were many more coins lying on the sea bed all clustered around a subsea plateau that once had slipped from the cliff. Brushing aside the loose sand some sculptured features began to appear. Definitely Roman this was once a villa. With limited air he returned but later on got out some of the reference books for the area.

    With some study it appears that the cliff once had a large villa of a Roman merchant who was very wealthy and had some reknown. His villa had some anecdotal notes about its stature and some references to the parties that were once held there.

    Some weeks later a proper archaeological excavation is underway and the Roman Villa is being uncovered. Now that the top layers of rock and sand have been removed the exceptional mosaic floor is being revealed to show a pictogram of the story of Aeneas and Dido...

    Using: Submerged, Local Map and Gold.
    Last edited by Redrobes; 08-16-2017 at 08:46 PM. Reason: Links to challenge topics.

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