Here's a map of a ruined city for the RPG campaign all of my maps have been for, including WIP shots. I'm using the same general strategy as my map of Verinia and the insets in my map of the Skybound Islands. This is a floating island that crashed into an abyssal canyon. It's pinned between a rock tower and the side of the canyon, and there's a narrow bridge across from the other side of the canyon.

First step was shaping the terrain. Unorthodox technique here - I use Planet Coaster

kir ganas wip1.png

I added some scenery, including the broken tower. Then I played with the lighting. I liked the darker lighting for most of the canyon, but wanted the island to be a little brighter for details, so I merged these two.

kir ganas wip2.png

Next up, some GMIC filters. I did a Vector paint layer for the coloring layer, and then two hard sketch passes with the soft light overlay mode.

Kir Ganas 2.png

Pretty much done at this point. Might add some labels... CC appreciated!