Hey all!

You haven't heard from me in quite a while, and that's because I'm in the middle of a large commission featuring 9 maps which I'll be happy to tell you about later (when the non-disclosure agreement period terminates). At the moment I managed to finish 7 of the maps already, and I'm having a little break while the client works hard to clear the necessary funds.

Since I'm on a break, I decided to go back to an entirely different kind of regional mapping. Not the hand-drawn style I applied in the Tentivu Tetrarchy and many others (such as my current commission), but the topographically slightly more authentic style I played around with for a while when I did my Aran & Ilan map. I decided it needed quite a bit more work for it to become really convincing, so off I went with a whacky test map. Below you can follow my progress up to this point.

  1. a really rough outline (no idea yet whether the "in" or the "out" would become the landmass)
  2. the first level of detail ("in" will be the landmass, "out" will be the seas)
  3. the final sketch (where I decided to rip apart the landmass in two separate continents)
  4. and finally the detailed coastline.
  5. I then started working on the DEM for the map, a process that would take a huge bunch of do's and redo's, until I finally arrived at a basic terrain map I kinda liked:
  6. This map I eroded in Wilbur for hours and hours on end (starting over several times because man, that piece of software is HARD!!) until I got something that looked somewhat plausible:

Which I took back to Photoshop for a ton of extra tweaks, a gradient map, a couple of shaded terrain layers and a bunch of ocean colour layers, which brought me to the current iteration:

### Latest WIP ###

It might look like a big step from #6 to the current version, but it really wasn't. The hardest work was getting from #5 to #6. Wilbur is a powerful beast, but to my unexperienced mind, keeping it in hand turned out to be an endeavour of epic proportions. Whew!