Quote Originally Posted by Samstego View Post
For such a small thing it is incredibly pretty. The background was an interesting read as well.
Thank you Sam
Quote Originally Posted by Chashio View Post
Nice little piece, J You could totally do a book of these.
Thanks Chashio
I should... only...what ? ... maybe 99 or so more of them to go?
How many would be enough for a book, do you suppose?
Quote Originally Posted by - JO - View Post
Wonderful... I'd like to wander in those garden, though I don't think my dogs are welcome ?
Thanks JO Your dog could go... but with all the cats, would they want to?
Quote Originally Posted by Wingshaw View Post
Yes, I'm with Chashio. A book of Sir Inkman's maps. Each page could tell the story of a different locale. You write that book, sir, and you will be a wealthy man indeed. And deservedly so.

A fantastic map, and a wonderful story. Sadly I can't rep you at the moment.

Thanks so much Wingshaw
Do you have a thought on how many maps a book like that should have? or at least pages?
Quote Originally Posted by Bogie View Post
Thank you Bogie
Possibly fit for Sir Bogramal's summer cottage
Quote Originally Posted by Ilanthar View Post
You really have a knack for the "fairytale" imbued map. I can easily imagine how a book of your maps, texts & illustration would be great.
And I really approve and support the pretty flowers ! I hope it's gonna convince Larb to deliver us new gorgeous maps .
Thank you Ilanthar
We will see with books. I am trying to set up Patreon at the moment.
And absolutely YES - Larb... where are you?
[concentrates very hard....telepathically messages Larb - visit~the~Guild... ~visit~... ]