I don't know how many of you know this, I think I posted it a few months back, but I can't remember. When I first joined the guild, I was using a little internet cafe to get online, one that was a relatively close distance to my home.

Well, that cafe moved in January to a place that made it very difficult for me to get to. I know those of you who know me may have notice I wasn't on as much. Then in March, I disappeared altogether.

This is because I moved my family to a small town outside the city where we had been living. The combination of no internet cafes in this small town, and having to put everything we owned in storage to combat a 'small bug problem' we had at our old home, meant I had no way to get online.

Well, I finally got my computer, and my phone back, and even better still... after 5 years of doing without, I will FINALLY have internet installed in my home. Which means, in two weeks, I will OFFICIALLY be back!!! YAY!!!

I've missed all of you, and I look forward to getting back in the swing of things!