Thanks for taking the time to stop by and check out my map! Although the simplicity and openness of this challenge left me stunned for part of the month, I eventually fell into the rhythm of getting a map ready to go. I got much farther in the process before posting this one than I typically would, admittedly, but comments are still very much welcome. Although, admittedly, I'll not likely have much time to take any of them into account as I finish this up over the next 36 hours. -Chris (aka mixerbach)

About This Map...
The village of Aberyst is a remote fishing village known locally for it's excellent river trout and warm hospitality, but also as a pilgrimage destination for those seeking the favor of Fluunerich, God of Lakes, Rivers and Streams, whose temple is here. Located near the heart of the Shodanoan Empire, the residents of Aberyst seldom hear of the border skirmishes which concern the far off court in Shodan, nor the political maneuvering of noble houses in the nearer duchy seat of Halfraft. Ruled by the gregarious Marquee Victor al'Sabarielle, the youngest son of a minor noble house, Aberyst is home to a long tradition of fisher-folk and farmers, living out quiet, contented lives.

But what will happen today in Aberyst? A fisherman sails out from the docks, anxious to find today's catch. Sheep pace their yards, ready for the shepherds to take them out to graze. But a stranger is approaching this sleepy village from the South.

About that "stranger" mentioned above. Unfortunately, that's one thing I have not gotten to on yonder WIP. Hopefully in these next 36 hours, you'll get to see what I mean. If not, rest assured that Big things are coming to this sleepy village in the heard of quiet grasslands.

### Latest WIP ###