Quote Originally Posted by Larb View Post
The thing I find amusing about crazy theories like a flat earth is that they are always given in a top down sort of way.

So imagine it from the bottom up for a moment. You go to university, decide to do a degree and then a PHD in astrophysics or whatever BECAUSE SPACE, with a plan to go into the space industry. Or maybe a related industry. Maybe you want to design or build rocket engines. Maybe you'll be calculating orbits. Maybe you'll be working to create more accurate GPS systems, or working in satellite telecommunications, or over the horizon radar systems or I dunno. A million other things I can't think of.

So at what point does someone initiate you into this grand conspiracy? I mean it could make for a great thriller novel. But at some point someone is going to have to go "So hey, you know all that stuff you learned at school and university? It's all a lie. And this job is fake. But we'll still pay you - just keep quiet, sit over there, and play Kerbal Space Program all day."
Well there is that and there is also the fact that none of the things they would learn to do any of those things would actually work. Indeed the British would never have ruled over an empire on which the sun never sets if they didn't use the maths required to navigate a globe, or which was indeed on a globe. Flat earth is stupid, so stupid that it makes me question the myth as mentioned earlier (that the majority of people thought it was flat at any point in history). No one who goes out and looks at a horizon would say its flat, if they possessed the slightest bit of intellectual integrity.