The Independent Territories of Belthennia were established almost 400 years ago, in the year 934 of the Common Era (CE), in the aftermath of a bloody Civil War that lasted over 8 years. Two siblings, Orvar and Ödemin Brynnon, fought over the dominion of the islands, leading opposing factions in the war, until Ödemin was finally assassinated.

There are many legends and stories about the Civil War and the siblings, and historical facts are hard to tell from pure myth.

Belthennia is now a paradise for traders of all kinds, with the self-governed city of Orvarburg at its pulsating heart.

This is a mini campaign setting I made for role-playing Game Masters that need a quick set-up for their campaign. Rather than a full-fledged setting core book, I have created a broad and short background that GMs can build upon at will.
It is heavily geography-driven, and the GMs are encouraged to use the toponymy to create compelling settings for their campaign.

Hope you enjoy!


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