This was my entry for the August/September Lite Challenge, to map a village. The WIP thread may be found here.

I wanted to try something new so I started to do this with pencil and paper, and colouring it and labelling it by hand. However my drawing skills were found wanting so I scanned the drawing and used it as a template to finish it off in GIMP. This is the first map of mine where layer masks have featured. I used them for the texture painting - the fields and gardens, the paths and roads. I don't know how I managed before I decided to find out how they work. I pilfered some textures from Mouse, the fields and the gardens, and also from Robbie via a Redrobes thread (link in my WIP thread) for the thatched roofs. I have forgotten where I got the other one from but I think it must have been one of the built-in patterns that I just colour adjusted.

The village doesn't have a backstory or any significance other than to fulfil the requirements of the challenge - to map a village. Mossford and the Casevale, indeed the River Case itself, are all fictitious. Since their creation, however, there is a story brewing and I think I'll have to map a larger region of which Mossford is just one settlement. Perhaps the Casevale itself, but that is for a future consideration.

Once more I enjoyed taking part and I pushed myself to learn some new skills with GIMP and other software. I swore a few times and CTRL-Z is my best ally

As always, even if I don't mention it, comments and criticism are welcome.


Oh yes, since the Challenge entry the gardeners have been round and dug the fish pond out again. It had somehow become clogged up with weeds.