My PC died. The motherboard BIOS looks to have been corrupted. It's dual BIOS but it seems that the backup is also defunct. I've managed to get hold of a laptop to use until I can raise the funds to rebuild my machine. I've been setting up software and that on it and while setting up the graphics tablet, after drawing the random scribbles and things that one does, I decided to see how it felt doing something more akin to a map. I've put together this coastline/landmass thing:

The start of something.jpg

It's been scaled down to 2400 x 1600 pixels from 6000 x 4000. If anyone would like to use this for their own purposes, though, I've also exported a .png of the full size drawing on a transparent background:


I don't know if I'll be going any further with this, it was just a quick drawing to check out the graphics tablet was working OK. I still need to set up all the pen dynamics and that to my liking so perhaps I'll use this shape to do that.