The straight names look... too straight, in comparison to some of the words which are VERY curved. The large variation in letter-spacing is also confusing. In general you should have certain items have a matching look (all roads, streets, paths; all towns, villages, cities; forests; mountains and mountain ranges; specific buildings/locations) in terms of spacing, alignment, curvature.
And, for example, "T h e T h i e v e s T h r e a d" instead of "The Thieves Thread"
I also understand the desire to have the Loop and the Barrel be written circular in which case it should read "Looters Loop" and "Barters Barrel" rather than "Looters ԀOO˥" and "Barters ˥Ǝɹɹ∀q" OR have both words together on top or bottom
The spacing for "The Lion's Main" also looks odd. see Thieves Thread
That is good advice. I will fix those changes. Thank you justkae.
"Aye, it should have been the Year of the Four Rebellions, but the blood of my people thins every generation. The Men of Iron rust because our fathers abandoned the true born daughters of the Will of Iron for their Rust Wives."