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Thread: Oct / Nov '17 Lite Challenge: X Marks the Spot

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  1. #12
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Mouse: Isnt that called the "I know - lets you and him fight" thing ? Anyway - software isnt quite like that. The best way I can explain it is if you had a group of painter artists and each person is a good artists who paints excellent pictures but each person has their own style. You could ask each to paint a picture and pick the best or even like all of them. But if you ask them to all share one canvas and one person paints one bit of the image and the other paints a different bit of it then you usually end up with a mess. Only in really big projects where you can break it down into discreet chunks can you get a team of programmers to build one large working thing. Even on these big collaborative open source projects you find that in actual fact one person does the whole of one section of it. The erosion bit of these apps are not big at all. Perhaps 100 lines of code - maybe not even that. Its just that its a very sensitive 100 lines. A small change to one of the parameters and the result looks very different and its not easy to determine what needs to be changed in order to make the result how you want it.
    Last edited by Redrobes; 10-23-2017 at 07:19 AM.

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