By ThomasR
Oh I love those pointy mountains (kind of a Sagrada Familia vibe for some). Have you considered shading them with maybe an overlay layer à la Max ?
Thanks, I tried some variations for those mountains. And shading is planned, I'm just not there yet... and I would love to be able to do it like Max!

By J.Edward
This is so sweet Ilanthar
I'm glad you are doing more like this.
Obviously I loved Batikshal and I am sure will love this one too.
Is this in the same world as Batikshal?
Thanks, I'm glad you like it! Well, I have done Vodya & the Batikshal Empire... So I still have to do 9 other countries after Safrân (not to mention the other worlds of Egishirgal : map of the 7 worlds here).
I will certainly do the Shardom Empyron in a not-so-far future.

A bit more hatching.
### Latest WIP ###